TRC’s way of managing regulatory submission flow


As a regulatory service provider aka consultant, each regulatory consultant has their own unique way of execution of regulatory task especially for regulatory submission.  However it would not differ too much from what we are going to share with you.

TRC would like to share with potential prospects of how we usually manage regulatory submission.  Please refer to the steps below:

  1. To initiate the regulatory submission flow, TRC would request Client to provide a secured link for us to access the dossier.
  2. When dossier is downloaded , TRC would first begin to verify that all sections of the CTD is provided and also verify the file size . For file size exceeding the uploading size onto submission platform, a request would be sent to the Client to split the pdf into smaller size and re-send it to us.
  3. TRC would execute minor formatting such as renaming of modules if not named appropriately as an example. However, TRC do not do any publishing or formatting of CTD to e-CTD.
  4. A gap analysis exercise is conducted to identify the points to be addressed prior to submission accordance to classification of the product and evaluation pathway. The gap analysis report will be sent to the prospect to work on the gaps for our review. This would usually take about minimum of 3 round and not exceeding 5 rounds.
  5. Once the gaps are addressed, we would proceed to perform online submission including the application form filling and uploading of documents.
  6. Once submission is completed, TRC would furnish the entire set of dossier and a copy of the submission form to the prospect for their reference. TRC also perform our due diligence to keep track of the timelines to receive 1st set of screening queries and between stages throughout the evaluation process to ensure that the submission is on track.
  7. During the evaluation process, TRC lends their support by facilitating and reviewing the responses provided by the prospect to answer to the queries raised by the evaluator. Similarly, TRC would take the initiative to clear any doubts with regards to the query letter raised to support the prospect to provide the required responses. This is to ensure that each round of evaluation process would be well answered and to avoid duplication of questions from both ends.
  8. Once approval is received via email, TRC will notify the prospect and remind the prospect to take note of the post-licensing condition imposed in the notification email.

We hope that above  has been useful for you if you are contemplating to engage us to support your regulatory submission in Singapore. Do reach out or explore TRC’s new and articles to navigate through article that are useful to you.

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